Meet Lama
Working with thousands of patients to create a personalized eating plan taking into consideration bio-individuality, the unique needs, and the personal situation of each one to achieve an optimum healthy lifestyle.
We have many success stories with our patients, reaching various goals for weight loss, weight gain, and disease management (diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, Hypertension, Digestive tract disorders, food intolerances, etc.…).

I take a holistic approach when working with families. I start by supporting pregnant women throughout their pregnancy and post-delivery. I provide the necessary nutrition to meet their unique physical needs and help them maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, I coach children to adopt a healthy lifestyle as they grow up.
Despite these efforts, the health and wellness industry is constantly changing, and keeping up with these changes is important. Participating in various training workshops focusing on hygiene, food safety, food service, leadership, and quality control seminars was essential to stay updated with the latest trends.
"I believe good nutrition is the most powerful prevention tool to avoid health problems."
It has been an incredible journey being involved in significant social awareness campaigns and providing nutritional conferences through various media, such as TV shows on MTV, LBCI, Orbit, Rotana, and Kuwait TV. Additionally, I have contributed to written press in Al Yakaza Magazine, Amar Magazine, and Al Kabas Newspaper and have authored weekly nutrition articles in the Al Balad Newspaper.
Since February 2016, Lama has been actively promoting nutritional awareness through the "B 30 d2i2a" radio show, which airs on Sawt El Ghad Radio station.